Have you already checked the website of the int. Program? Just go to housing then click https://ucsantabarbaraextension.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/203880588-Housing-Information

Be sure to check in at “Community Housing” even if you found accommodation. They are able to assist you with housing related issues such as leases etc.

Most students are looking for accommodation on Craigslist (http://santabarbara.craigslist.org/)

For more tips, please contact me.

There are accommodations in Dorms right on campus. Please let me know so that we can make a reservation for you as early as possible.

We can also give you tips for off-campus housing.

At the beginning of each quarter I will personally give an introduction to all my students. The exact dates will be send by E-mail.

The UIP provides the opportunity for international students to enroll in UCSB academic and/or professional development courses in a wide variety of disciplines. The program offers an excellent way to experience college life in the U.S., and the credits earned may be transferred to universities around the world or used to complement the students’ professional goals. Through the UIP, students select one study plan from two options: Academic Studies and Professional Studies.

Contact us

Do you still have questions? Just send us an email. I will be happy to answer your questions, and give you additional information about our programs.